Emigrate? Not possible!
Frank O. Reiss and Peter S. Fenkart explore this paradigm in an interview. According to emigration expert Frank, who has been an expat for over 8 years, there is one prerequisite that makes a massive difference between success and failure.
More about the episode and the podcast at https://geistesblitzen.com
Mehr über Frank O. Reiss
Frank ist 2015 nach Bosnien ausgewandert und hat als Pionier viel aus Fehlern gelernt. Seine persönlichen Erfahrungen teilt er ehrenamtlich in seiner Community
Every Sunday evening from 8 p.m. Emigrant regulars' table http://www.rausabend.de
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1469741330045974
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1pIlf4TZSVgatTcVeHoog
Special video, living in Bosnia on just €1,000 a month: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU1lnqsHuQM
Telegram group: https://t.me/+3UTnFmz-StNjMjAy
Short videos and lots of impressions from Bosnia can be found on Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJV2Nktd/
Course for free, that's how you earn money abroad and not like that: https://www.rausabend.de/online
Self-directed course, emigrate safely: https://www.digistore24.com/product/471768
To emigrate successfully, you need the best possible preparation. You can get this in our online course "Safe emigration". Find out, among other things, what you need to look out for in terms of visas, health insurance and buying a house and how you can earn money abroad: