When do you become rich? What is wealth anyway? Nicole Tanja Lorenz-Gruben, expert in spiritual and mental completeness and oil shaman, organizer of the Wealth Congress, answers these and similar questions. Together with Peter Simon Fenkart, she explores what true wealth means and how we experience it. Prepare yourself for an exciting journey into new realms of experience.

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to Nicole Tanja Lorenz-Gruben:

Occupation: Expert for mental & spiritual completeness, oil shaman, organizer of the Wealth Congress Email address: connect@reichtumskongress.com Website link: https://www.reichtumskongress.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reichtumskongress/ youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy3thsp_K5nLmj9bExgnBgw

Nicole was called to be a shaman 25 years ago. She moved to a village without electricity and dedicated 8 years to developing her clairvoyance and unfolding the core of her being. She lived for 2 years without income or insurance. The most important realization is that refusing money means limiting one's own effectiveness and power to act. Today she experiences her vocation in unfolding her wealth in all dimensions. In doing so, she accompanies people into their own wealth by developing their personality. Through her online congresses and seminars, she offers opportunities to experience and transform oneself in different depths. Her slogan "Live free-be rich" has become the compass of her life. It also describes her vision of a happy life for all people. For her, the meaning of life is to develop awareness of one's own self, of what is. Nicole: "People feel seen, recognized and understood by me (there is hardly anything that I do not understand in its innermost core) The topic we worked on is moving! People get in touch with themselves again, have a surge of consciousness and often the courage to take the next step. They feel that I am not judging them and find access to their own strength."

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