15 Setting goals Part 1: All legend

To be successful, you need goals and have to internalize certain strategies that will get you where you want to be. Who hasn't heard phrases like this? These hackneyed pieces of wisdom are guaranteed not to help you achieve success. On the contrary, there is bound to be a lot of frustration along the way. Here you can find out how to improve your path.

Coaching by the book

The tried and tested recipes of motivational coaches and success trainers all follow the same pattern. You define your goal as precisely as possible. The time at which the desired result should be achieved is also specified. Some also require you to visualize your goal again and again. Depending on the coach's focus, you either wait and see or you set off and give it your all to achieve your goal. Have you already experienced this? Has it worked this way?

The typical techniques for dealing with lack of success are not consistent

There is a problem somewhere along the way. Setting yourself goals is never wrong, but the way the techniques currently dominating the market are set up to combat lack of success is not right for me. So today I have a few suggestions for you on what you can do differently to achieve better and more sustainable results - quite intuitively. Let's take a look at the first big mistake. First of all, the coach assumes that you already know exactly what your goal is. You also believe that you basically know what you want.

Does a target always have to be realistic?

It is precisely this critical point that we should now focus on. Some coaches tell you that your goal has to be realistic. If you don't achieve what you want, you had irrational ideas. Others recommend that you think unimaginably big. The best example is the coach himself, who has risen steeply from nothing. Since he did it, anyone can do it, right? That doesn't convince me, because perhaps it was only due to lucky circumstances. But can a universal recipe for success be knitted from one's own fateful coincidence?

Focus on your true wishes and goals

Let's take a look at the real wishes. What is your greatest wish? A partner for life, a stellar career or a big house and a sleek sports car? Don't set yourself any limits, it's okay if you want a private jet. Let's say you wanted a Ferrari. Why would you want one? You want to make an impression. Maybe your self-esteem isn't so good at the moment and the speedster will boost your ego a little. Now I ask you: If you actually want to be more self-confident, why are you taking the detour of buying a sports car? You can't buy self-confidence, but you can buy a Ferrari. But why do you want more self-confidence? To get to know a partner? Now you're taking a detour via two things. Because what you really want is to stop being lonely.

How real goal setting works

Most goals are just some cardboard cut-outs that you use to create your own mindfuck, because you're just taking detours or other people are jointly responsible for achieving them. There are goals that are not permissible and this has nothing to do with the dimension of the goal. Therefore, you must take the following decisive steps before setting a goal:

  • 1. a goal must be within your sphere of influence, otherwise it remains a pious wish.
  • 2. a goal must fuel your passion.
  • 3. once you have set yourself a goal, check whether there are not two, three or four others behind it and thus the last true goal.
  • 4. dedicate yourself with passion to your true goal.

If you follow this path, you should gain self-affirmation and success and avoid frustration.
Want to know if we need to set goals at all? Then wait for the next episode when we delve deeper into the topic!

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