02 Santa Claus: Is it all just a lie?

Santa Claus is a lie? Even small children will figure out the story of the man with the white beard when they get older. But it's not that easy. Santa Claus exists - you just have to get involved with him wholeheartedly!

How do I tell my child?

My five-year-old daughter recently caught me cold with the question of whether Santa Claus really existed. I didn't know exactly how to answer her. To make matters worse, I had recently made her promise that I would always answer her questions truthfully.
My intuition then allowed me to give her the answer from my gut: "Yes, he exists, I caught him myself." In the past, it would have taken me ages to find the answer and I would have spent a long time examining all aspects of the situation. So I finally found an answer that felt good.
After all, it can't be ruled out that there is a secret Santa base at the North Pole that nobody has discovered yet, can it? We only have to prove that Santa Claus exists, but not that he doesn't exist. A challenge I couldn't resist.

Christmas: Between consumption and love

It is also about Christkind and Christmas as a complete package. There are rumors that Valentine's Day on 14 February was initiated by the floristry and confectionery industry to increase sales. In fact, the day has existed in honor of Saint Valentine since the year 469, but the church abolished the holiday because it was obviously too much about sexuality. What has remained is the celebration of lovers.
That was also the original meaning of Christmas: all-encompassing love, affection and care. Christmas has also developed into a consumer festival that is obviously only about boosting sales. Nevertheless, it remains a Christian festival, but nobody has to be a Christian to celebrate and enjoy Christmas.

The true dimension of Christmas

We tell children that Santa Claus brings presents down the chimney and rides on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. We also tell the little ones that the stork brings the babies. Nevertheless, Christmas has its own mystique and magic.
As a child, I loved it when the doorbell rang on Christmas Eve and my father claimed that Santa had just brought the presents. Of course, we children were always a few seconds late and never met Santa Claus. Then a fine little bell rang from the living room and we saw a mountain of presents under the beautiful Christmas tree. We sang carols and of course we soon found out that the presents came from our parents.
The true dimension of Christmas, this feeling of having time for each other and being at home, was not yet clear to me at the time.

Santa Claus as a powerful thought

So what do I tell my child so as not to destroy this myth? I stick to the truth, because it is more valuable and more beautiful than what we can make up. So I told my daughter that Santa Claus exists. But I didn't portray him as the old man with the beard at the North Pole. But as a force that is much bigger and more powerful than a single person and that can make billions of people turn to each other and (re)reach out to each other.
There are certainly gifts. People think about them and enjoy the reactions of the recipients. So Santa Claus and the Christ Child become a very strong thought.
If we get involved, Christmas becomes a festive and mystical experience that makes us all a little bit better. When we get involved, the miracle comes to life.

Invitation: Discover Santa Claus

So I can say with a clear conscience that I have met Santa Claus. Remember:

  • Without Santa Claus, Christmas becomes a mere compulsory exercise. If the presents are missing, all that remains is emptiness.
  • If you open your heart to the wonder and let Santa in, your life will be more fulfilled. So set out to discover Santa Claus and let him into your heart!
  • For me, I can say that Santa Claus is really God.
  • If you don't believe in God, nothing is lost. The decision as to whether Christmas becomes a celebration of love and devotion or just a compulsory exercise is entirely up to you.

With this in mind, Merry Christmas and may the message of love accompany you throughout the year!

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