16 Setting goals Part 2: Powerful alternatives

Lastly, we talked about setting the right goals. But is setting goals really always the best strategy? This much in advance, sometimes a different tactic can be better. Find out about powerful alternatives here.

Wrong goals do not lead to the desired result

If we set a goal incorrectly or simply a little clumsily, then frustration is inevitable. If I try to persuade my previously unwilling partner to accept my marriage proposal, I could not only be rejected, but the whole relationship, which had been good up to that point, could be shaken. However, if I set my goal in such a way that I simply want to clarify in love whether we will get married or not, I have a much better chance. Because I achieve my goal with clarity. This means that we set ourselves goals that are as frustration-free as possible. These are goals that can be achieved independently of other people and that we are really passionate about.

Alternative to setting goals directly 1: Learning to recognize opportunities that lead to goals

Goal setting is the hammer, so to speak, the first option that is taught to you by coaches everywhere. But what if you need a screwdriver or a pair of pliers in your strategy? If you don't currently have a goal or only have one floating around that isn't yours, then you don't need a hammer either, but tactics that are better suited to the situation. Everyday life offers us a wealth of opportunities that we need to take better advantage of. In this way, we can make better use of goal-oriented situations. This sometimes gets us further than hammer tactics.

Alternative to setting goals directly 2: Wait for the right time

Let's say you've just painted your wall. When do you hang up your picture? When the paint is dry, of course. You do the same with the share package. You don't sell hastily, but simply wait until you can make the maximum profit. The tactic here is simply the art of waiting for the right time. Then everything will take care of itself.

Three tactics for maximum success

These three tactics are your minimum equipment to be successful. All three tactics are interlinked. Setting goals with a hammer is useless if the timing isn't right. You will only waste important resources. If your goal is to save some money, you shouldn't just use the hammer to set the goal of being rich. Look for opportunities in everyday life where you can put money aside. But that's not what all the industry gurus and motivational trainers tell you in their seminars. Nothing comes after the hammer.

Why intentions can get you further than goals

It is also important to know the difference between tactics and strategy. Tactics are short-term measures that are used in a targeted manner. So you can use the hammer directly, you wait and see or you look for opportunities. Strategy is all the ways in which you move forward. If you set yourself the goal of sailing around the world in 30 days, you are dependent on the external factor of wind. So it may work - or it may not. Instead of setting a specific goal, it is often better to set the course. You simply set the intention of sailing around the world. Or more practically: if you are employed, you can set a course to become self-employed, for example. You are not pursuing a goal, but a fixed intention. That's the small but subtle difference.

How to become successful without frustration

  • 1. goals are not always effective. It is often better to set a course and pursue a fixed intention.
  • 2. then sharpen your perception for opportunities.
  • 3. assess opportunities and chances according to whether they are on your course and bring you closer to your destination.

The destination then leads you to your true goal that you have always wanted to achieve. If you follow this strategy, you will receive a lot of joy and self-affirmation. Your chance of success increases dramatically and you avoid a lot of frustration. Feel free to let me know in the comments which tactics work for you. I look forward to your feedback!

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