Peter Simon Fenkart

03 Why good intentions won't get you anywhere

New year, new resolutions - but these proverbial good intentions are usually anything but effective. Here you can find out how to avoid the stumbling block of good intentions and still achieve success. Good intentions create excessive demands In criminal law, acts committed with intent are regarded as aggravating punishment. It is precisely this dynamic that also characterizes good intentions for...

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02 Santa Claus: Is it all just a lie?

Santa Claus is a lie? Even small children will figure out the story of the man with the white beard when they get older. But it's not that easy. Santa Claus exists - you just have to get involved with him wholeheartedly! How do I tell my child? My five-year-old daughter...

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02 Is Santa Claus lying? The whole truth!

A clarification "Does Santa Claus really exist? Or is he a lie?", my 5-year-old daughter wanted to know. The answer is surprising, even for adults, because he really does exist: I found him.

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02 Is Santa Claus lying? The whole truth!

A clarification "Does Santa Claus really exist? Or is he a lie?", my 5-year-old daughter wanted to know. The answer is surprising, even for adults, because he really does exist: I found him.

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01 Why it could be worthwhile for you

Do you still think for yourself? Do you really analyze, check and draw conclusions? Or do you even form your own opinion? Then it might be worth listening here. New version from 24.01.2023  

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