Peter Simon Fenkart

14 The price of freedom - With Anna-Leke von Langendorff

Many people would like more freedom. But hardly anyone is prepared to do what it takes: pay the price of freedom. In this interview, Anna-Leke von Langendorff shows what more freedom looks like in concrete terms. The single parent has been...

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13 Freedom and will: Are you still waiting or have you already decided?

Two complex concepts, two sides of the same coin: if we do not consciously exercise our will and decide nothing for ourselves, we are not really free. Freedom - a big word that (supposedly) means different things to different people. Some - and that is probably many people - understand freedom to mean the absence of constraints...

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13 You have to want freedom yourself

Is there free will? Theoretically yes! And in your case? People have free will. At least in theory. Because we regularly do not exercise it. And what is not exercised disappears over time. Freedom means being in...

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12 Forming an opinion instead of adopting

Dissatisfied? When their job or relationship isn't working out, many people distract themselves. They fall into the opinion trap and prefer to discuss coronavirus, the war in Ukraine or parliamentary allowances instead of solving their own problems. They are preoccupied with things they cannot influence and are becoming increasingly dissatisfied. The better strategy is...

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12 Forming an opinion instead of adopting

How we can avoid the opinion trap and find our own line. Do you have to have an opinion on everything? Most of the time, these opinions have been adopted. What a nasty trap for shaping our own lives lies in the way we...

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11 Immediate help in decision-making crises

Crises are turning points. Because from here life can go in the right direction again or go completely wrong, it is important to make good decisions. Those who honestly surrender in a crisis will find a reliable way out of it. The decision master's emergency aid kit can also serve you well here. Puppy bonus is a great thing. Small dogs can...

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11 Immediate help in decision-making crises

What should we do, how should we decide when we don't know what to do? Crises come, often several times in a lifetime. That's when preparation, the tools, count. What we can do when the crisis really grips us and shakes us up, when we don't...

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10 Are you a decision refugee?

For many people, making good decisions seems as unattainable as higher mathematics. They put off the decision-making process, get lost in endless lists of pros and cons or fall back into the automatic mode of the familiar. Without good decisions, life stagnates. That's why the decision fugitive needs a different strategy to move forward. The plane climbs continuously....

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10 Are you a decision refugee?

Do you also like to put off making decisions? Sometimes with unpleasant consequences? If so, you are probably a decision maker? For many people, making good decisions seems as unattainable as higher mathematics. They put off the...

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09 Happiness and success in life? - You decide for yourself

Happiness and success are siblings. They occur together and influence each other. And they can be influenced themselves. Mastering the art of making the right decisions opens the door to happiness and success. With a little guidance, anyone can learn this art. Happiness is a loaded term. Because we demand a lot from happiness...

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