Peter Simon Fenkart

34 More meaning and fulfillment

In dieser Folge geht es um eines der wirksamsten Erfolgtools überhaupt: Sinnstiftung! Mehr Sinn und Erfüllung im Leben. Wie das geht und warum es erforderlich ist. Mehr zur Folge und zum Podcast unter

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33 From gloom to passion

Passion is the salt in the soup of life. But it is becoming increasingly rare. This is not about romance, but a concept for a fulfilled life. __________________________________ More about the episode and the podcast at...

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32 Escaping life in a traffic circle

Are you caught up in the daily grind? Always the same old thing? And there are fewer and fewer opportunities to take a turn and change everything? Then you are in the circle of life. Before you start spinning your wheels: listen to this episode!...

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31 What drives you? Your boss?

Do you let the alarm clock nag you and don't like getting up? Then there's a good chance that you need a whipper-snapper, a boss. Basically, you're a born slave who won't move without pressure. A fate that you can change...

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30 The first step towards a more effective mindset

Frank Dietrich and Peter S. Fenkart talk in Spain about differences in mindset, why a change is necessary and what the first step is. A guide to success. __________________________________ More about the episode and the...

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29 Are there aliens? And why? - With GenZ Valentin Serr

Do aliens exist? And why? What can we learn from this virtual species? Valentin Serr, an alert representative of Generation Z, asks himself these and other existential questions and discusses them with Peter S. Fenkart. In the process...

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28 Emigrate? Not possible! - with expat Frank O. Reiss

Emigrate? That's not possible! Frank O. Reiss and Peter S. Fenkart explore this paradigm in an interview. According to emigration expert Frank, who has been an expat for over 8 years, there is one condition that can make all the difference between success and failure...

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27 Life with a spiritual foundation - with Samuel Felix Kegel

Is spirituality still up to date? What does it offer us in this day and age? Peter S. Fenkart explores this question in conversation with Samuel Felix Kegel. His mission is to bring people into their full power, free from problems and...

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26 John Wick as a coach for life - with Florentina

Is contract killer the new dream job? Quite the opposite. What you can learn from movies for your own life is one of the things we talk about with Florentina. __________________________________ More about the episode and the podcast at...

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25 Narrower than you think? Limits of the mind

The mind has limits that most people are not aware of. It is therefore rather foolish to rely on the mind alone. It can be a very effective tool if you use it as intended. But do you know anyone who has...

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