12 Forming an opinion instead of adopting

Dissatisfied? When their job or relationship isn't working out, many people distract themselves. They fall into the opinion trap and prefer to discuss coronavirus, the war in Ukraine or parliamentary allowances instead of solving their own problems. They are preoccupied with things they cannot influence and are becoming increasingly dissatisfied. The better strategy is to analyze the specific problems and decide which changes are important.

Become your own master decision-maker - and the forger of your own happiness. The opinions of other people shouldn't matter. Whatever you decide to do - it's up to you to decide what you need to be happy.

Your own opinion - the be-all and end-all

Of course, diversity of opinion is right and important. But it must not lead us to accept opinions that are not our own, that are wrong or that hinder our development in the long term. The opinion trap snaps shut every day. Through exchanges with friends and acquaintances, neighbors and colleagues. At the regulars' table. And especially on the internet. The consequences are as numerous as they are unpleasant. They affect personal success, a ruined attitude to life and missed opportunities. Only our own opinions and decisions can turn things around. Because they ensure that we are no longer part of the problem, but the solution.

Is having a say really that important?

The opinion on every topic. Even if you don't know anything about it. Use every discussion to defend your own point of view. Whether corona or Ukraine - use all your energy to convince others of your own opinion. Does that help? And if so, what? - It usually leads to frustration. Because constantly expressing opinions on all kinds of topics is one thing above all: a real energy guzzler. And this is precisely the energy we need to develop ourselves further, solve our problems and implement possible improvements in our lives. We cannot influence whether Putin ends the war or the coronavirus mutates dangerously. But we can choose to invest our energy and passion in ourselves and our individual goals and become our own decision makers.

Opinion making distracts

Television. Radio. Internet. Facebook. - It is the multimedia diversity that shapes opinions. And it's the conspiracy theorists who think outside the box - and thus create new opinions. Many people develop a kind of opinion compulsion as a result of this scenario. And this opinion is usually the parroting of slogans. If these slogans - and they usually are - are also negative, this has two consequences. Firstly, you get the impression that the whole world is negative and there is nothing you can do to change anything. Frustration spreads. Secondly, you get distracted by the gloomy opinions and getting involved in constant discussions. Distracted when it comes to your own needs, goals and strategies. Both are unpleasant. But the good news is that it's up to you to put an end to it all. You can decide to be a decision master from now on. Your decision.

Overcoming dissatisfaction

Many "opinion makers" who commute between the regulars' table and the demo are dissatisfied. Dissatisfied with the world. Dissatisfied with the government. But above all, they are dissatisfied with themselves. And this is where a well-known saying fits particularly well: everyone is the architect of his own fortune. So not the world, which is so unfair. Not the government. Not Putin. Not corona. It's us. So if you decide to take your happiness (and your own opinion) into your own hands and change something, you will probably be the first to change the dissatisfaction. Because then you will no longer be discussing whether cold showers are an imposition or whether the coronavirus vaccination means Microsoft chips are being injected under your skin. You probably have neither the desire nor the time to take part in such polemical discourse.

When are opinions useful?

Today, we are told that we should have an opinion on everything. But that is wrong. There is - when you get right down to it - only one good reason why it is necessary to form an opinion: to prepare for your own, sensibly considered decisions. Decision-makers do not form their own opinions in order to have a say. They form an opinion when they want to take concrete action against the conditions that others only complain about. Or they form an opinion in order to evaluate and improve their private and professional situation. An opinion leads to an attitude. Action follows from attitude. - Opinions are only useful when a decision is pending that you can make and implement yourself. So not negotiating with Putin, but perhaps changing jobs, making a purchase, building a house or other things. And as my own boss, I might discuss my opinion or decision in this regard with a few important people, but certainly not in public. After all, you shouldn't care what other people think of your decisions.

Change the focus

What good does it do you to get worked up about the level of allowances paid to members of the German Bundestag? Nothing. What use is it to you to get upset about the amount of your salary? Maybe a lot, if you make the right decision based on this opinion! Focusing on your own life, your own problems and their solutions is what can make the famous difference. Think about how you can react to your own dissatisfaction. What you can do specifically. That is the motto. Don't get distracted by dissatisfied people and their opinions instead of focusing on the really important things. This applies to your job just as much as it does to your relationship. Become the master or mistress of your own decisions.

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